Friday, November 1, 2019

Welcome, Dreamers

It's 2019...almost 2020. Many may argue I am late to the party. Either way, I have decided to start a blog. Essentially, I've decided to dive into a gigantic ocean where everyone in my audience is Dory. Yes, that Dory. The lovable, comedic fish voiced by Ellen Degeneres.

What I mean is, when it comes to the Internet, everyone suffers from short-term memory lost, and I know it is difficult to build an audience online and keep it. I also know the odds may not be ever in my favor. Even still, I simply enjoy writing, and therefore, I say, "Challenge Accepted."

Getting back to an Internet audience and its short term memory. Let me put it this way. How many times have you remembered you saw something on the Internet, but you couldn’t remember where? It may have been Facebook. You know you were on Facebook quite a few times today - during your morning coffee break, waiting in line at the grocery store, while watching TV. In short, odds are you probably saw it on Facebook. However, if you try to go back and find it, your newsfeed has of course changed with all new updates, so now you have to try to remember who originally posted that thing you think you saw on Facebook. Good luck.

Actually, if you have managed to log on to your Facebook and start searching for that thing you think you saw on Facebook, you’re doing better than me. I usually log on looking for something specific, see something else that looks interesting, fall into that new rabbit hole for about an hour and a half, realize I should have been asleep 45 minutes ago, and can’t even remember why I logged on in the first place. Sound familiar to anyone else?

In short, this is pretty much how things go for me, and I’m willing to guess almost everyone else, when it comes to the Internet these days:

It’s easy to forget because the Internet is so distracting…

In a world of endless information coming from all different directions with declining attention spans, I honestly have not quite figured out how to keep an audience coming back to my blog.

In fact, in this first post I may have already lost half of you because I compared you to a Regal Blue Tang and a talking dog. If you’re still reading this, I’m hoping it’s because you found this first post funny and honest and not because you think this post is a train wreck, and you’re waiting to see where it goes.

At this point, you may be thinking, "What is this blog going to be about?" The Answer: Everything and anything.

Just kidding, that’s a terrible idea.

Actually, this blog is going to be about me. No really. Now, let me be clear - it’s not a diary. My life is not that exciting. It’s going to be about the things I know, the things I experience, the things I observe, the things I learn, the new places I visit. It's a lifestyle blog. It's my journey through life living on hopes and dreams and caffeine.

So who am I? I am a former Chicago attorney who now lives in the Sunshine State. I spend my time selling homes, making magic, traveling, reading, crafting, baking, going to the movies, running races, playing games.

Those things I listed are all potential blog posts. Although they may seem like a broad range at first glance, there are in fact many ways they are interconnected. For example, I could write a post about a fun DIY to make and use to decorate your home = Crafting and Real Estate.

If any of those topics that describe me sound interesting to you, I hope you stick around and follow my blog post. Or I hope that one day you’re scrolling through Facebook and see one of my posts shared by your friend and you decide to click on it and read it, and then fall into a rabbit hole of reading all my posts until way past your bedtime. Hey, a girl can dream, right?

I would love to say that I plan to post 3 times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. However, literally every week of my life is different, and I may fall behind on my blog posts. Or it may just take me a while to find a groove. Or maybe one week I will not have any idea whatsoever what to even post. Or I may make the decision to start a blog right before the busy holiday season. To put it another way, I am not perfect. Clearly, I am living on hopes and dreams and caffeine! My goal is to post 1 to 2 times a week on Mondays and Fridays. I won’t promise every week will be consistent. I will do my best, though!

Well, that’s it for now. Until next time, have a magical day!

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