Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday Motivation - 10 Quotes of the Day

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed I love quotes. If you follow me on Pinterest, I have a whole board dedicated to quotes. At home, I have journals that are filled with quotes that I love. Great quotes keep me motivated, give me confidence, bring me joy, and so much. With the current times, reading through some quotes each day helps me keep a positive mindset. For today's post and Motivation Monday, I just wanted to share 10 of my favorite quotes I have shared on social media over the last couple years. Feel free to save your favorites and share with your friends! Stay safe, all! Remember, we are all in this together.

"Today is going to be a great day. I can, and I will." - Gina Rodriguez

"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." - Abraham Lincoln

"Act as if ye have faith, and faith shall be given to you. Put it another way: fake it 'til you make it." - Leo McGarry, The West Wing

"Being challenged in life is inevitable. Being defeated is optional." - Unknown

"It's not the worry. It's not the what-ifs. It's the joy that stays with you." - Sandra Bullock

"Today or never. That's my motto." - Mary Poppins

"When other people treat you poorly, keep being you. Don't ever let someone else's bitterness change the person you are." - Unknown

"You got to stand for something even if you stand alone." - Song Lyric, Show 'Em What You're Made Of, The Backstreet Boys

"You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved." - Unknown

"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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